Friday, April 13, 2018

Engineer view of science

Phenomenon description may require deep mathematics as it often does – deep theory of partial differentiation, tensor calculus and quantum notation is required to understand deep physics and cutting edge chemistry. It is deeper than me. Same time, I am not so stupid that events have to be reduced to philosophy or law for me to understand them! Can I make a scientific (observer independent, empirical) description of my level of understanding? Pragmatically, I am looking to a level of good intermediate, not an expert in any field, not scared of algebraic mathematics, but certainly far more competent than most doctors, lawyers and business types.
A perfect example came by me, recently. It is discussed next. Not only will you learn about what I want, but the fascinating subject matter – dark matter to be precise.

Most scientists and astronomers believe that normal visible matter is 5% of the universe, reachable and explainable by telescopes. Rest 95% is dark matter and dark energy – responsible for galaxy formation and accelerated universe inflation. When you try to understand why scientists so believe, one goes into deep astronomy and galactic measurements. Two big reasons are
1.       Star rotation towards the end of galaxies (away from center) is too fast (compared to newton law of inverse square. Dark matter explain simply is that there is lot of it more rotating matter not visible to us, hence the too fast rotations are simply wrong calculations from low mass estimates! Black matter is uniform, too small to effect speeds of inner stars, but substantial further away, hence hi speeds.
2.       Distant galaxies show up in multiple images, as if there was intervening matter between, bending light and producing Einstein effect of curvature of space and light lensing

It works and 99% of scientists and astronomers agree. Few do not, biggest theoretician who does not is verlinde. This guy has an entropic gravity theory derived from string theory. Simplest explanation, good for politicians, lawyers, doctors etc (henceforth intellectuals) is that he considers gravity as emergent from entanglement and entropy (hence information)! One of the consequences is that for low mass, newton inverse square law results, while at high masses, the variation is linear. Precisely the MOND empirical theory which fit the data very well (measured rotation speeds of stars) but NO one could explain why so in MOND!

Intellectuals are satisfied with this detail. Most vaguely understand inverse square and linearly inverse law. But I am an engineer. Not so dumb, but not capable of understanding the paper! Now what? Hence this essay. An intermediate engineering understanding level call for, will have significant legal and author implications. Details understood by good intermediate will not have to be written. Explainers will typically address intellectuals and engineers, automatic violence to junk from uncouth priests, politicians, intellectuals and stupid authors. Where are the missing details? Why can’t they be approximated? All pseudos in fact!

A somewhat deeper understanding comes as follows, good for all here. Remember Kreyzig? The attractor at galactic center is a point. One can draw spherical surfaces at various distances to measure the gravity effects there. Area varies as r^2. Hence the intensity felt varies as inverse of that i.e. as Inverse Square. But string theory has the holographic principle that says the effect is as if the entire mass, far enough away, is concentrated on the surface! So far enough away, effect is only linear! Joining the two gives Inverse Square near center to inverse only towards circumference!

Verlinde is not that hard to model for better understanding. Another great understanding to me came from understanding the idea of German shower that sparked NASA interest in fix Hubble mission that changed human view f the Cosmos and great pictures. Most of difficult sounding encryption can be effectively so described. Here is an attempt.

Encryption is about trapdoor impossible one way functions. Trapdoor means a small secret which allows simple calculation of inverse to a trapdoor-impossible function. Most classic trapdoors use multiplication or exponentiation as the one way, and if all computations are carried out in a semi-prime field, the factors of the public modulus render the system trapdoor. The nicest thing about modulo computations is that they follow normal rule, even as some computations are exponentially more complex! A square root or logarithm is fairly easy in ordinary math but trapdoor-impossible in discrete math!

So deep sir math say that certain operations are hard, why so is not the trouble of engineers. ALL my methods are based on user-verifiable algebra or statements to the effect ask any deep math sir!  No hard proofs are employed which makes the consumer dependent on certifications of the examining scientist!

Classic encryption before Identitity based encryption IBE is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle MITM attack where unknown consumers can be fooled by giving them wrong credentials, used well, but easy abuse. Imposter gets between Alice and Bob, pretending to be Bob to Alice, and Alice to Bob. All the while, message exchange is copied. It is prevented some by using the name itself as the key. But traditional IBE has a further problem – how do we know that the name is correct for the identity! My solution to the problem is a number of certificates to my pubic semi-primes that collectively essentially certify that that the identity has passed my identity tests. The simplest, done just once forever, is sending a test link to the email. Suddenly has a meaning! The email is delivered by Google only if arun.arya has proved to gmail that aaquantum has verified the identity. Assuming means (trademark india),  has meaning too. This is much safer mail! The entire rig morale of challenge-click for every new site goes away, as does plethora of new passwords and their sorry pundits and rules (8 chars, at least one capital and one punctuation)!

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