Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blockchain developments

Latest Edition

I have opinioned many times that block chain is simple concept if one can achieve distributed ledger; all one has to do to prevent double spending is lookup the current balance! Every deduction happens everywhere cryptographically. A proof-of-work mining system incentivises the miners to keep the distributed ledger.

The block chain method is really building distributed databases and can be used far beyond currency to completely different government and company structures. If 21st looks the same, it is only because we only can look back. My father-in-law wanted to view aarti on his mobil;e too, and asked his grandson (my nephew, 6 years) how to do it. He refused saying too hard for cfather-in-law to understand! Flabbergasted he told me ,”the dhai bothers me for delivery charges and this is how the grandson operates!” When blockchain becomes real beond currencies, world will change!

You all know bitcoin. It is these days 10 lakh plus per unit.  Snoden hates it (legitimately) for the total loss of privacy! Sender payments can be traced (same sender). Receiver payments can be linked (same chap)! If you encrypt all, then double spending!
Zcash says you can! Not easy but doable! Zcash is a cryptocurrency that grew out of the Zerocoin project, aimed at improving anonymity for Bitcoin users. The Zerocoin protocol was initially improved and transformed into Zerocash, which thus yielded the Zcash cryptocurrency in 2016.[1] The founder and CEO of Zcash is Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn. Its founding team includes cryptographer Matthew D. Green from Johns Hopkins UniversityRoger Ver was one of Zcash's initial investors.[1]
Zcash payments are published on a public blockchain, but users are able to use an optional privacy feature to conceal the sender, recipient, and amount being transacted.[1] Like Bitcoin, Zcash has a fixed total supply of 21 million units.[2]
Zcash affords private transactors the option of "selective disclosure", allowing a user to prove payment for auditing purposes. One such reason is to allow private transactors the choice to comply with anti-money laundering or tax regulations. "Transactions are auditable but disclosure is under the participant's control."[3]Wilcox has hosted virtual meetings with law enforcement agencies around the U.S. to explain these fundamentals and has gone on the record of saying that "they did not develop the currency to facilitate illegal activity".[2]
On April 4, 2017, Zcash entered the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap.[
Snoden approves. But not all! Better is cryptoNote! Its open source! Depends on a new cryptconstruct – ring signature. Solves tracing and linking problems. Avoids illegal cash like that in Zcash. Why should the recipient of cash be asked to prove innocence if somewhere along the line, someone used cash-wash tricks!

So I start on detailed study of Cryptonote. Even better is my concurrent work on RAPPOR blockchain!

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