Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Some Vietnam


Sunday, April 23, 2023


This is a series of introduction to scientific universe for at least intermiate level education so that they can be introduced to the big ideas, understand topic as a whole, comprehensive but simple, avoiding details but exposing the source of the big ideas. At the level here, ideas appear to be orthogonal even though they turn out way after today to be interconnected.

Universe begins with a big bang that births time, though there are ekpyrotic models in which universe may have easier history and available impacts in our universe.

The universe <originated - how>, gave rise to<CMB|what's that science measure> expanded to current <size - how|astronomy sizes>, of 10^80 <objects- 17 quarks etc>.

What is the Big Bang Theory? The Big Bang Theory is the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe. According to this theory, the universe began as a singularity, in quantum space, a point of infinite density and temperature. Created were mass and time. Gravity can be viewed as negative energy, in which case totals of mass in entire universe may be zero. Such creation are normal in Quantum mechanics with probability that varies inversely with mass and is a property of Quantum space. Quantum space can be one in infinity of fecund spaces in the multiverse.

  • The competing model says that time extends before big bang, at least one previous universe existed prior to this big bang and is gravitational signatures are present in CMB, and measured polarization of CMB.

  • Not so, says the normal big bang model and dismisses the supposed currently visible events as fluke statical artifacts. Some artifacts have been shown to be flukes, but majority can not be so dismissed. Nothing was new and different at start and today, its all evolution with particles and geometry.

  • What is inflation theory? Inflation theory suggests that the universe underwent a rapid expansion just moments after the Big Bang. This rapid expansion could explain why the universe appears to be so homogeneous and isotropic on a large scale. Note that distance in first 10^-32 seconds of big bang meant that points in the growing  universe on the boundary were already more than beyond light speed. I, Dr Arya, have a new theory. It depends on the view that there were space/mass entanglement between random points in the universe ball surface and inside. I consider entanglement basic to eventual formation of intelligent observers.

  • There is discovery of light elements stars in first galaxies, quite distant from pre-jwst formation canonical ways. They do not question dark epoch - just state the need to rapid star-genesis and primitive galaxy formation before 300 million years. Huge blackholes for galaxy centers must have formed in dark epoch which may be related to normal to anti-matter budgeting (anti-matter vanished in initial black holes prone to it, or became normal matter being self-anti Majorana)

  • What is the cosmic microwave background radiation? The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) is a faint glow of microwave radiation that permeates the entire universe. It is thought to be the leftover radiation from the Big Bang. It was detected in 1965 leading to Nobel prize for my biggie boss at Bell labs. The universe was opaque for first  300 million years, When light could move free, the image of universe was imprinted on CMB, shifted to  deep info-red today.

  • What is string theory? String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to unify all of the forces of nature into a single theory. It posits all matter as vibrations of higher order surfaces as in m-theory of 11 dimensions. Somehow the mechanism of universe evolution must be imposed on particles.

  • How did matter evolve? It evolved consistent with general theory of gravItation and Quantum mechanics. All of science is emergent from the particle basis of nature to classical physics known and developed before 100 years. EINSTEINS theory of gravitation is classical but weird near or at velocity of light. Gravitation is not a force but weird consequence of mass introduced curvature in space.  These consequences are in special theory of relativity which can be derived, believe it or not, from just one canonical fact - no matter the alteration history in the speed of observer to a final fixed speed, the velocity of light remains unchanged fixed constant. Thus time and space are intimately connected to a four dimensional space-time.

  • Strange consequence are limitation of all communication to velocity of light. Time passage depends on gravitation. Length contracts as velocity of light is approached and mass diverge as velocity of light is approached. Yet in all these cases, the velocity of light remain constant.

  • Simple dynamic stream method allow travels at large fraction of velocity of light. One day, immortality and unbored travelers as photons can cross even galaxies (millions light years) without feeling time. Universe can be explored for trillions of years.

  • Dynamic stream is not the only way to move near light speed. Space can flow even faster than light. It leads to a space bubble in which the spacecraft sits at no differential speed. The entire bubble can move at superluminal speeds. Currently needs no negative mass but Jupiter size mass to flow space.

  • Immortality has its benefits till stars start dying in current epoch, particularly transmitting to new universes with quadrillion year search using AI then.
  • compare ages

     Two photo of two photo of self 13 years apart,

    No description available.


    Wednesday, March 22, 2023

    2023 papers and links

    Sinclair 2023 aging

    2023 https://youtu.be/2jTbeyEWBIQ

    2pic francs


    2pic Indonesia


    Monday, March 13, 2023

    Ever believable engineering for immortality and purpose


    First, existing humans must achieve bio-immortality through negligible senescence NS doable through non-medical chemicals derived from a deep study of evolution and derivation of all DNA elements from Yamanaka factors OSKM which can be consumed as OSK triples in interrupted form. The proof is so published in a peer-reviewed paper in nature by mice experiments of Dr. Sinclair of Harvard medical school in Boston on Jan 23, who could increase and decrease age in mice at will. Humans are next by 1925, my time estimate.

    After getting bio-immortality, the job is not done yet for death can come from several other physical scientific processes operational at once, the earliest is fatal. Bio-immortality is unusual for humans but common in some animals as called NS-like lobsters, some frogs, alligators, sharks, whales, etc. There is no such thing as aging for them. Cancers are escaped by dense cells. All the long-life NS species live for 10-500 years and die from cancers, predation, etc. Rather than old-age. In fact, I believe in the programmed theory of aging.

    The programmed theory of humans is a blessing in evolution because much smaller life allowed fruitful replacements to the species 10 times faster than other animals and 100 times faster than trees. Technical evolution Techev has happened in 4000 years, 100 times faster than human species separation in evolution life, hence Techev is an ignorable period in evolution history relevant to aging.

    Technological evolution proceeds exponentially. It has allowed just the human animals to attack, over all other animals, cancer, negligible senescence or natural aging and cancers, and will engineer all others. Unfortunately, positive outcomes are most commonly comfortable and all increase age as mTOR, adversely affecting age-boosting all others. Eventually, all causes can be protected against by photon-achieved life and redundancy, and reanimated by cyborg download.

     Timeless travel in the universe is possible as photons, despite long distances of 10 light years between the nearest stars and millions of light years between the nearest galaxies. Only after a quadrillion years will an LGO be needed to allow multi-verse bridging. Then perhaps more than quadrillion years will be needed to explore a suitable universe in the multi-verse. Or the search can proceed with exponentially growing cyborg counts in a massively parallel style.

    Sunday, March 12, 2023

    [...] surround links

     The original essay is just 6 links in immortality, my masterpiece which presents the first human-known immortality and a purpose of long life. These were to pieces, logically a part of the essay, but imparts to allow complete treatment of the final threads and easy determination by reader chosen order. Such treatment was not considered credible and many new links were added for reference purposes. But such a document buried essay pieces in one of many and distracted. Rejected were two color solutions to allow easy use by the color blind.

    The method chosen adds a distinguishing mark. [<link>] was chosen and used, People should find a similar solution for 2 meanings to links. Different extensions are possible with a higher link distinguished by a pressed identifier before the [], as in more_text[<link>], with more_text as the default meaning on Ellison.

    There can be no complication of detection even when the [] are in the non-link test as the only time the convention is used is with at least one link argument. The prefix to [] can be an identifier or any parenthesized prefix, each without trailing whitespace.