Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Quantum secure

The following is a development sensible after this paper –

It explains the construction of a quantum repeater, somewhat like a classical amplifier. Input is two streams of electrons. Output is two streams also. As a block box implemented cleverly in the paper, the states on electrons are switched. That dos not foul one thing you can’t do in quantum world, but trivial in classical – copy the state. One consequence of the black box is that the input sequence of electrons emerges dead with no correlation to what they were! However the live copy stream may be at much higher intensity!

So this repeater works like an amplifier! While quantum beams have been tested in space between Chinese satellites 1200 km apart, things are bad in glass fibers. Note that emergent electrons have full state, including entanglement information. So a fiber based method can entangle two electrons that never met!

But what does entanglement mean? Identically correlated states! In particular, if you write information at one end, and read at the partner, it is the same despite no sending! Clearly, such information can NEVER be insecure! Entanglements may be for short while, but the cable delivers a lot of partners!
BTW,. Image search for article above yielded fascinating

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Amazon in real trouble for hurt policies

4. Either bank or amazon, amazon responsible

a)      Where is the 10%?

b)      How can amazon break transactions according to its convenience and reports them to bank wrongly.
c)       Some subhuman will have to pay – this is theft! Perhaps police will accept a criminal first report!

Does Amazon’s promotions be considered lies? Should such a company be allowed to operate? 
Shouldn’t its executives be imprisoned? This one company cannot escape!

5 Two coQ10 just bought for 1100-110 promotion, 2 evil refund of 1000 each (100 mg sent!), and 2 unfunded (returned to seller).

undelivered! ORDER # 408-0808468-0246730 NO refund! Refused wrong replace

Unwanted refund! ORDER # 408-8995505-6076300: refused wrong replace

Accepted wrong return (some one else): ORDER # 404-1193113-6393929 wrongly accepted wrong replace

Other words crazy cover-up, don’t know what to do after wrong ad, will refund me for now with demand on record! Do it or face charges of more theft!

Sir Bezos, can’t you hire better?

 I am PERSISTENT PATIENT CS PhD. What happens to other 99% customers? Steam-rolled? Don't understand or snowed? Amazon welcome to comment their side on blog.

Another pic of Amazon Evil

Saturday, September 16, 2017

On aaqgs-Stoicism

Its arun arya quantum gravity variant of stoicism considers scientific method and logic to be foundations of (collectively) knowledge, denies the proof of existence of any God concept consistent with sane knowledge, denies the proof of non-existence of God by any existing scientific method, posits a very specific scientifically establish able theory of purpose of life, a theory of birth and evolution of the universe, a theory for indefinite life, and beginnings of a political theory for a desirable and constructible society. I consider self to be non-divine perennial graduate student (grad) who can speak like a rishi. Note that scientific proof is NOT possible for negative statements except by determining contradictions or advancing equivalent formulations which might be less incredible.
To summarize for the glorious reality and the immensely privileged and wonderful  consciousness reading this text : the entire universe was atom sized once (evidentiary proof), could have been created or was an earlier edition that had collapsed and rebounded (evidentiary proof) whose dynamics will become clear on unification of exception-less theories of quantum mechanics (Bohr) and gravity (Einstein).

Central purpose of life is to live forever, do mundane things, starting with (evidentiary investibility) indefinite life and an existence proof of possible antifragile infinite life. We are fortunate to be alive at a point where indefinite life and subsequent infinite life  is scientifically feasible in 5-30 years. (evidentiary plausibility). Note that evidentiary proof is NOT possible for forward events.
Infinite life and universe birth: Both require a method to kill entropy.

Evolution of AAQGS-Teachings

Teachings of what system?
We trust no one but clear crypto-majority!
Latest Self lnk?


No one is born with any implicit rights that impact my happiness, rights and liberty! These are always traded for a social contract. What follows is less of details of what crypto-libertarianism is, and more of outlining how to achieve it.

Perfection is around the corner and I am destined to play a big role! What and why? Science is rational skepticism. But perennial doubts are a very stupid advice, after a while, you have to defer to a great scientist, the rishi. That I call rational stoicism!

But there are many issues not amenable to scientific method! Politics, medicine, law, money; friendship, relationships, ethics are so. How can one doubt all? That is where my supermedium comes in. One REQUIRES global uni-amity on certain issues like money and criminality. In others, some dissent is allowed and civil super-majority is sufficient. Evolution to consensus is what super-medium is about!

When I was interviewed by Ken Thompson and Sandy Fraser for bell labs, I knew the solutions to many new problems using the super-medium, already implemented on an Ethernet. That is on single-broadcast-listen net. Only a few years to any topology, except I failed. It went on till 2012, then convincingly solved for money by bitcoin. But now the lack of privacy problems have been fixed in etherum derivations of multi-ring-sign cryptonote and complex zero-knowledge-proof zcash. MY way is third way using my solid IBE encryption based on huge square roots and dissociation of miners and decryption, necessary any way to protect against even one criminal miner spy. Even more valuable than consensus decisions is integrity of reaching the consensus! My IBE does that and defeats any traffic analysis. Question answered positively is - can it survive abuse in the hand of criminals?

Yes, and only my IBE can! Reason is simple - it allows warrant-driven decoding limited to just one person! Not by giving immense unaccountable powers to the policeman! While the details require some familiarity with security, situation is very easy to explain without giving away secrets, and I do it next!

Given 1000 bit integers, about 998 bit-count numbers are square, there are likely 500-bitcount primes to make semi-prime. So no shortage of encryption fields based on squares, that are known to be crypt-impossible to discrete-square-root in field of the unique semi-prime of the family. Each family can have 1 to all humans alive in several hundred years. Each member uses the family semi-prime and has own name. Any one can use (name,family-name) to transform their key to make the transform publishable as it is not invertible. The destination can, knowing certain properties of name (the discrete square-root)and none of the family name. In fact, known only inside limited (by consumer) many replicated units of target choice.

My communication to a checked authorized target is solely to tell the root! I don't see the message at all! A sender picks any key, squares and publishes a receiver-decodable function of the square!  The function defeats all eavesdroppers and quantum-computers. Squaring ensures IBE. Decoding is done by inverse of function followed by asking the square-root! The enabled units can be in jurisdiction of a nation, milli-second destroy-able and infinitely replicable!

It is amazing HOW much can be achieved by this. Solved are administrative problems (consumers must pay, nothing ever happens to mails before etc) to police (people using unauthorized impossible-to-factor numbers etc) to total provable security despite corruptible police from foreign intelligence. You want a breakable system within own borders by own police but safe against foreigners even with corruptible police! And my immense pleasure is that it exists and can be proved so! Now that this IBE can be used to implement distributed private ledger, the technical problems in crypt-libertarian belief have been solved in the motto "we trust no one but clear crypt-majority" proof against all devils!

Friday, September 15, 2017

An aaqgs-stoic on insults

Insults are ubiquitous. Stoic analysis follows Epictitus, the expert. Why an expert? Slave and not very good-looking or orator! His stoic analysis – there are things we can control and things we can’t. Stupid to worry about uncontrollable! But we can control ourselves – ignore! The ultimate pacifist insult-taker! Trump opponents followed the line everywhere and lost BIG.

My analysis – ignore, appropriate rejoinder or short postpone. Takes up memory, so short while only! Perhaps low cost rejoinder or complaint is enough. Small probability that rejoinder or complaint time-consuming! Okay since furtherance in your control! Quit whenever opponent delivers a weak argument. Watchers are smart – they will mentally destroy the opponent argument! Always be respectful of opponent.

All people are good, just have stupid opinions sometimes. Insult delivery is in your control. My experience says always boomerangs on people, but never on opinions! We beg to differ. That’s all.

Occasionally, someone will take opinion insult personally. Point that out respectfully! Do not further even if right! Include quit in point-out.

Even question Epictitus respectfully. He was one of the greatest stoics, a Rishi,  but still human!