Monday, February 21, 2022

Intervention contributions

 Intervention contributions

I am a computer scientist who speaks about aging, which is a medicine subject. What do I bring to the table as value-added and why I am convinced that my improvements are unlikely to be stolen? How do I intend to monetize the benefits to me?

Aging reversal means moving repeatedly -ve bio-age. Only Yamanaka short-term and stem/telomere method with slower cycles. I believe so strongly that I tried my own mix on myself. I haven’t died or had any known -ve effect, I am 6 months to going to the USA (now 12 months of 1-.5 year self-clinical trial) to get DNAm bio age for self. It will likely be much younger based on feelings and 8/8 unknown stranger age assessment.

What is my secret is based on this:

All my derivations are based on above, a standard dominating subset of draws of Hallmarks of Aging in 2016. Above dominates hallmarks of aging:

Intervention diagram

Flatline means inhibits, arrows means to boost. The bottom is aging. So to reduce aging, you want to boost AMPK, sirtuins, and igf-1, and reduce mTOR. My theory, alone, agrees with Dr. Fahi, but suggests further improvement by low-dosage rapamycin! California billionaires use igf-1. MY COMMENT MEANS A LOT. I consider GMO igf-1 since GMO is solely good for medicine at a low cost.

What did I just say - trivial for a computer scientist, ununderstandable to a doctor! In graphical terms, there are 4 nodes dominating paths from top to bottom, which is aging, this diagram by me dominates that in hallmarks of aging that has almost 16000 all medicine papers references, in aging, and is considered to be central to aging in 6 years to 2022, and summarizes my philosophy.  The field got going in MIT with two remarkable Ph. D. (not MD) students at MIT. They were Dr. Sinclair and Dr. Kennedy. Dr. Sinclair moved to Harvard medicine, set up his own lab, discovered Resveratrol, then propagated NAD+ boost through NMN, not NR. He became my Hero because he eats all his recommendations and is a walking example of improved health. Unlike all medicines better tested by FDA, aging medicine MUST be tested by the recommender because all grow old and the world has more criminals and stupids than sane effective. Even if FDA approves, there is no trust in me, unless the recommender shows benefits and transparently applies them to self and own family. Dr. Sinclair's brother and father are on too, and father shows spectacular improvement (weight lift at 80, enormous walking, and learning for a 2nd career).

I do it too, consider risks tolerable, will not be offended if the limited gain in healthspan, as long as my chronic diseases of diabetes, heart, osteoarthritis, and instability are addressed for a cure, undoable by top allopathy. These are thus reasons for starting on aging drugs even in youth! Further, I am worried about dementia and the loss of brain function. Great aging doctors will apply my dosages. I seek to be like Sherlock Holmes to their superb medicine and lack of aging knowledge.

Early results on me were successful, after which my mother and sister are on it too. My diabetes/sugar levels were better by 15 points and I have not needed isosorbide for 4 months, was averaging 2 pills a month. All my biggest comprehensive blood test reports were in limits and vitamin D and sodium were near the middle of the range. Do comprehensive blood tests again in 2 months. No improvement in looks yet but will measure NAD+ levels and DNAm age in October. My sister and mother are on my recommendations now. 

MD recruitment for required supervision list has started who acknowledge me expert aging consultant with starting dosage schedule. I am myself, under the care of Dr. Neeti, who takes no responsibility for my chemical list but knows about them and dismisses them as vitamin-likes. The strong reason is the safety filter applied by me on chemicals with no known interaction within them and with other medicines taken for concurrent illnesses, though further safety requires a temporary halt on aging drugs.

No improvements were seen in osteoarthritis and instability. Osteopos continues, still await CaAKG and hyaluronic acid, but have taken direct NAD+ through the nose for brain entry reasons. Even marginal improvements through October means a fix for chronic diseases is happening and even no age improvements are ok. I do feel more energetic, but that could be psychological.

Growth enzymes

If one ignores the left igf-1 path, all others are under calorie reduction. These, in turn, point to Sirutins (class of 7), AMPk, and mTOR. All decline with age and last also gets a boost from left, tops GH (or Growth Hormone) as well. mTOR boosts in growing proteins, happen with many steaks for example, or foods of fit-body types. Great feeling but bad of Aging! Why? Plenty of proteins means body systems shut-down of scarcity pathways. Fatties or musculars normally do not cross 100. No lack means body paths best for scarcity shut off, the body is fooled by muscle exercise, breathing exercise, reduced diet,  activity in sports, etc. Low mTOR feels low strength. But fit for Aging

In biology, errors due to DNA, bad diet, or pathogen attacks cause lacks or harmful excess. Medicines and supplements fool the body. Calorie restriction is hard and stupid since the body can be fooled by chemicals, restriction causes malnutrition. Exercise is good and bad. A chemically fooled body can live in a much longer health span. But which chemicals, when and how much, etc. Who decides? A supervisor doctor. Not any but accomplished in aging. Like me+doctor. Fool the body by intermittent fasting without reduced nutrition.

Here is my original point: no matter how motivated, a person in 65-80 age does not do vigorous exercise because of frailty generally unadmitted. It is stupid to insult the intelligence of an old to request to exercise or explain benefits. The right way is to restore some strength, to the point of an exercise. My mother is late 80’s, gets up at 5:00am, and goes for a 0.7km walk twice every day.

So many ways I help - list the chemicals based on a certain schedule, determine their safety, determine dosages and join ethical sellers and customers. Any concurrent diseases and lessons learned for intelligent patient experiences come from listed doctors.

Why I can ignore others?

Stealing from me demands fakers schedule, determine chemical safety, determine dosages, and join ethical sellers and patient customers. This note explains use but is a small part of my innovation and is sufficient for trust, known or not!

Why will doctors not be able to compete?

Any single aging solving method is very hard. There are several such methods. No developer doctor will ever recommend a competing method properly. Whether recommend or decry, the statements of a proponent must be taken with lots of salt. Composing competing methods is hard. The only person to escape this is Dr. Sinclair by methods through self-usage but that includes some disease-specific chemicals Inapplicable, even harmful to just aging solvers! Also, there is no sane way to decide others for completeness. Only I can compute completeness by dominators of hallmarks of aging and expanding them! For example senolytics like Fisetin etc, and CaAKG!

What are Dr. Arya's recommendations and why?

By dominating the graph, one identifies Sirutin1 by NAD+ boost by NMN. NO for blood vessels means Oleic acid from olive oil. AMPk boosted by Metformin or DHEA, mTOR fixed by low dose rapamycin. igf-1 fixed by GH/DHEA using TRIIM-X. Stressed organic plants products are good for boosts.

Why does NAD+ fall? Concentrations are reduced by SASP from senescent cells, hence removing senescent cells,  but some for wound repair, need Senolytics after thymus decline, equals immune system declines, with age. Spermidine, Fisetin, quercetin, apigenin, peptides in general good for classes of senescent cells. Some populations of senescent cells are good for wound healing. Best decline them to needed, approximate obviously.

It was discovered through transcript analysis that senescent cells have increased expression of pro-survival genes consistent with their resistance to apoptosis. Drugs targeting these pro-survival factors selectively killed senescent cells. Two such drugs were Dasatinib and Quercetin, which were both able to remove senescent cells but were better in different tissue typesHowever, it was discovered that a combination of the two drugs formed a synergy that was significantly more effective at removing some senescent cell types.

In other studies, removing only thirty percent of senescent cells was sufficient to slow down age-related decline. These results suggest the feasibility of selectively ablating senescent cells and the efficacy of senolytics in alleviating the diseases of aging and promoting healthy longevity.

CaAKG fixes methyls that measure age by the remaining identity of cells. It seems to also fix other amino acids. DNA demethylation not only improves age measures but actually reduces bio-age!

Boost NAD+, AMPK, reduce ill effects of igf-1 by DHEA, reduce mTOR by improved fasting and chemically fooled body, remove senescent and CaAKG by poorly understood gains, collectively list aging, and are sometimes compatible and independent. properly composed, they may be in useful parallel compose.

Done properly, you can reduce, likely stop aging, with some reversal. Enough to survive to Singularity2.0 in 5-20 years with E5 and Yamanaka factors.

The totality of Aging fix?

There are two distinct independent ways to ameliorate aging, One is the old way taught to many doctors namely shortening of telomere in cell division to Hayflick limit. Another is through DNA per cell. Most people under 100 will benefit most from DNA methods. Hayflick limit will become applicable eventually and hyperbaric oxygen at pressure, like divers stopping to prevent bends, elongate telomere, and this mode of aging can be addressed. Some people need that mode now and almost all benefit from high-pressure hyperbaric oxygen but may not need it.

Monetizing Benefits

I have a 150 pages book draft like my messages so far and would benefit from a win-win solution for print in your city or country as a book. Also some doctors you know will be interested in the aging practice, and be listed in this letter. For such patients, I provide experiences condensed and anonymized, from doctors, patients and merchants once every year and all needed knowledge on aging needed by the doctor. In both cases, you can quote a percent of my royalties and quoted percent of my fees from the patient, be like my agent in hour territory spending as much time you want, in addition to regular work, approaching persons of choice. This can be shared with your agents too in multi-level marketing. And no expenses till success, till then it is only quotations, and even then for making your own selling better.

Aging is a worldwide disease that afflicts everyone and can never be a shortage of patients, who only look for a guaranteed solution. Self-applications do that. My solutions are ideology, caste, creed, sex, in fact, any irrelevant metric independent.

Human expectations

hallmarks aging

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Quién se beneficiaría del texto hasta ahora y cómo

Comenzando después de esto, el resto del libro son ensayos breves sobre los productos químicos utilizados en los primeros capítulos del libro 1. En este punto, las preguntas en tu mente serían:

. ¿Qué es una descripción general de las lecturas hasta ahora?

Hasta ahora, creo que NAD+ boost, senolysis, methyl manipulations y las combinaciones de igf/DHEA son diferentes, efectivas y componibles hasta la singularidad 2.0 en 5 a 20 años. La singularidad tendrá reducciones de edad repetibles, lo que llevará a una vida indefinida. Consistirá en factores de Yamanaka y métodos E5 probados, probablemente basados ​​en señales que actúan como hormonas, mientras que todos los métodos de Singularity1 se basan en células.

Hay un cierre posible a partir del gráfico que simplifica el derivado de las características del envejecimiento. Estos son refuerzo de NAD+ y NO para vasos sanguíneos que cubren Sirutin1, metformina para AMPk y dosis bajas de rapamicina para mTOR. Igf+DHEA cubre el brazo izquierdo. Cubrimos las señas de identidad del envejecimiento.

Dos métodos más imaginables son fijar metilo y matar a los productores de SASP. SASP corrige eliminando la mayoría de las células senescentes por senólisis. Antes del envejecimiento, sucede de forma gratuita al permitir que el sistema inmunitario corrija los resultados de la apoptosis. El impulso de metilo y mitocondrias ocurre con CaAKG.

Entonces, el cóctel sugerido es NAD+ BOOST, IGF/DHEA. CaAKG, y Senolytics FISITIN + muchos polifenoles. Todos están filtrados a 4 químicos y es probable que no interactúen. El médico debe hacer frente a cualquier eventualidad. Ningún fármaco sugerido tiene una pequeña ventana de acción, por lo que se produce suficiente advertencia.

. ¿Qué es un plan para el consumidor hasta ahora?

Hay un número de médicos que cantan las alabanzas de su sistema. Como consumidor, cada uno es como un producto. Claramente, uno se beneficiaría más al hacer funciones componibles a la vez. Otros se pueden hacer más tarde. Esto debe aplicarse repetidamente. Eventualmente, se realizarán todos los métodos abordados. Entonces se pueden utilizar diferentes médicos. Entonces, el período bajo un médico se limita a un hilo de curación. Múltiples subprocesos pueden requerir médicos iguales o diferentes coordinados entre médico, consumidor, mi información por parte del consumidor.

. ¿Por qué entender los productos químicos?

Yo animo a Evert paciente a comprender los productos químicos para que las preguntas simples puedan resolverse sin la intervención del médico.

A diferencia de la medicina, las recomendaciones son en su mayoría suplementos y productos químicos seguros, con una historia empírica de 50 años. La única diferencia es la versión liposómica de cada uno para bailar en torno a los problemas de biodisponibilidad y los desastres malignos e inesperados que enfrenta Linus Pauling.

. ¿Por qué no soy un matón?

Todo lo que digo es una repetición de los mejores médicos que envejecen, con solo la adición de la forma de liposomas. Tan importante que abogo por la formulación de liposomas dirigida al paciente de la mayoría de los medicamentos. No puedo estar equivocado a menos que al menos un médico de alto nivel haya logrado imponer lo deseado en una prueba clínica de la FDA completada o en proceso, y crea que menos del 10% de la población necesita una solución de singularidad1.

. ¿Por qué no esperar?

Algunas partes del tratamiento completo benefician las actividades actuales y pueden adoptarse por motivos que no afectan al envejecimiento. Yo mismo me sometí a una prueba clínica y mi motivación no es el envejecimiento, sino la única forma de escapar de la devastación de varias enfermedades crónicas sin una solución alopática creíble mejor que mi riesgo adicional.

. quien debe esperar

Cualquiera que no esté consumido por enfermedades crónicas, cánceres o fragilidad sustancial. Debe tener una visión fiable (visión del paciente) de la muerte antes de la singularidad2.

. Qué garantías están disponibles como consumidor

No, y que no se está sometiendo a este tratamiento o basado en una recomendación negable no en papel, de parte mía o de cualquier médico de mi lista. Tendrás que firmar un papel diciendo eso.

. como entro

Elija un médico de mi lista, programe una cita y pregunte. Uno de los resultados de la primera cita es un formulario de inscripción.

. ¿Por qué debería pagar por ti?

La solución ganar-ganar-ganar requiere que cada uno haga algo por los demás, además de obtener beneficios.


1. Paciente – pagar

2. Médico: pruebe al paciente para obtener beneficios

Proporcionar dirección dinámica

Continuar/pausar/cambiar tratamientos

3. Yo – agregar en privado

Recopile datos de los médicos de los pacientes y compre a los pacientes para desarrollar datos para ambos

Recopilar experiencias de pacientes


1. Paciente – incremento de vida segura

2. Médico – nuevo paciente

Continuar/pausar/cambiar tratamientos

3. Yo – tarifas por paciente

Comisión medible de compra dirigida por el paciente/médico

. ¿Cómo puedo ahorrar haciendo algo yo mismo?

No. Los datos MD requieren mucha experiencia en detección y control de daños. Aparte de la configuración, comparto datos de forma anónima. No existe un sistema privado descentralizado a bajo precio.

Who would benefit from text so far and how

Who would benefit from text so far and how

Starting after this,  rest of the book is short essays on chemicals used in the first  few chapters of book1. At this point, the questions in your mind would be:

. What is overview on readings so far

So far, I believe that NAD+ boost, senolysis, methyl manipulations and igf/DHEA combinations are each different, effective and composable till singularity2.0 in 5-20 years. Singularity will have repeatable age reductions, leading to indefinite life. It will consist of Yamanaka factors and tested E5 methods, likely based on signals acting like hormones, whereas all Singularity1 methods are cell based.

There is a closure possible from graph simplifying the one derived from hallmarks of aging. These are NAD+ boost and NO for blood vessels cover Sirutin1, Metformin for AMPk, and low-dose Rapamycin for mTOR. Igf+DHEA covers the left arm. We cover the hallmarks of Aging. 

Two more methods imaginable are fix methyl and kill SASP producers. SASP fixes by removing most of senescent cells by senolysis. Before Aging, it happens for free by letting immune system fix the results of apoptosis. The methyl and mitochondria boost happens with CaAKG.

So the suggested cocktail is NAD+ BOOST, IGF/DHEA. CaAKG, and Senolytics FISITIN + many poly phenols. All are filtered to 4 chemicals and likely will not interact. The MD must deal with any eventualities, No drug suggested has a small window of action, thus enough warning happens.

. What is a plan for the consumer so far

There are a number of doctors that sing the praises of their system. As a consumer, each is like a product. Clearly, one would benefit most by doing composable features at once. Others can done later. This must be applied repeatedly. Eventually every addressed method will be done. Different doctors may be used then. So the period under one doctor is limited to one cure thread. Multiple threads may require same or different doctors coordinated between doctor, consumer, my information by the consumer.

. why understand chemicals

Evert patient is encouraged by me to understand the chemicals so that simple questions can be solved without doctor intervention.

Unlike medicine, the recommendations are mostly supplements and safe chemicals, with empirical 50 year history. The only difference is liposome version of each to dance around bio-availability issues and evil unexpected disasters faced by Linus Pauling.

. Why am I not a thug

Every thing I say is repeat of a  top aging doctors, with only addition of liposome form. So important that I advocate patient directed liposome formulation of most drugs. I can not be wrong unless at least one top aging doctor managed to impose wished on completed or undergoing FDA clinical test, And believe that under 10% population needs singulaity1 fix.

. Why not wait

Some parts of the full treatment benefit current activities and can be adopted for non-aging reasons. I undergo a clinical test myself and my motivation is not aging but only way to escape devastation of several chronic diseases without a credible allopathic solution better than my extra risk.

. Who should wait

Anyone not consumed by chronic diseases, cancers or substantial frailty. You must have a reliable (patient view) of death before singularity2.

. What guarantees are available as a consumer

Non, and that you are not undergoing this treatment or based on deniable recommendation not on paper, from me or any doctor on my list. You will have to sign a paper saying that.

. How do I get in

Elect a doctor from my list, Set up an appointment and ask away. One result of 1st appointment is a sign-up form.

. Why  should I pay for you

The win-win-win solution requires each doing some th9ing for the others, as well as getting benefits. 


1.     Patient – pay up

2.    Doctor – test the patient for benefits

Provide dynamic address

Continue/pause/change treatments

3.    Me – aggregate privately

Collect data from patient doctors and buying of patient to develop data for both

Collect patient experiences


1.     Patient – safe life increment

2.    Doctor – new patient

Continue/pause/change treatments

3.    Me – per patient fees

Patient/doctor directed buy measurable commission

. How can I save by doing somethings myself

No. MD data requires lot of experience in damage detection and control. Apart from setv up, I share data anonymously.. There exists no decentralized private system cheaply.

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Aging Bible facebook

  The Aging Bible

Bible in the title is to address the dominant section of humans who know its impact and continuity changing as language changes - exactly as science I believe in, not in opium to simple jews. Long age requires dedicated perusal and active purchase and eating of supplements that may hurt or are involved in demand suppression conspiracies!

First draft

I scooped by just a day! The included link is of the greatest US free org called and shows top democratic and republican politicians agreeing with me


Book middle


I have encountered tough problems in sending you mail, being censored by Facebook, even though very clean. Use current email or make a new one just for me, checked once a week. I will send my notes to you specifically. Use FB only for short pieces. You can ignore the address to forget me.

I come from soso framily. It has taken me 10 years to build age reduce. I try it. Thw first 3 chapters are given, there are many more. A good publisher in UAE can print a book cheap and do for all arab. Maybe you can help for a quote percentage of my royalty! Use where you are well, girl, and enrich us both. Book is more 150 pages.

Rest of pages

One subsection of half-page to three pages on these:























Blue zone

The Aging Bible 1

  The Aging Bible

Bible in the title is to address the dominant section of humans who know its impact and continuity changing as language changes - exactly as science I believe in, not in opium to simple jews. Long age requires dedicated perusal and active purchase and eating of supplements that may hurt or are involved in demand suppression conspiracies!

First draft


Book middle


Rest of pages

One subsection of half-page to three pages on these:























Blue zone

English thank you Facebook

 Thank you for accepting my request. I think we will work very well together with the expansion of trust, which is so needed from an angel that you will transform into. These are a few of your qualities.

Aging has been easy fraud for 4000 years, starting the oldest book known in 2000 b.c. that is a travelog of Gilgamesh in ancient Mesopotamia of adventures searching for an Aging cure. Not even one fraud has claimed the fountain of youth. Why? Even an idiot will try medicine before self-consumption!

Why isn't it a fraud this time?

The method has been proposed by several scientists who are not familiar with each other. It uses well-recognized international award methods. All are transparently available. Not even one scientist has refused to keep his method a secret. Such an approach is the reverse of fraud. All statements are always checked. Quick claims are ignored. Clearly, no one is being forced to declare anything and/or participate unwillingly. Everyone is free to declare anything and promote their causes in any way. The only limit is the permanent ignorance of any claim by an imbecile.

Who gets old and why?

Among all antiaging interventions, dietary interventions have shown the greatest potential. Calorie restriction, without undernourishing the individual, slows down the aging process and lengthens the average and maximum life in animals of various origins. Repeated reports say that the restriction of food intake in rats extended the half and maximum life and decreased the occurrence and severity of chronic diseases. Subsequent findings emphasized that calorie restriction has effects on lifespan in a wide range of organisms. The positive effects of caloric restriction in humans have also been shown in many studies. Calorie restriction while maintaining adequate nutrition has beneficial effects such as protection against the development of obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and cancer. In a controlled study, caloric restriction with high levels of physical activity showed a decrease in blood pressure, body weight, serum cholesterol levels, insulin levels, and other anthropometric and physiological parameters. The mechanisms by which calorie restriction induces life-prolonging properties are not fully understood, but the following four potential target pathways have been suggested: activation of AMP protein kinase (AMPK) and sirtuins, inhibition of growth factor insulin-like-1 (IGF-1) signaling and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibition by rapamycin. These pathways are the main hypothesized mechanisms of action of caloric restriction that control cell growth, mitochondrial function, and autophagy directly or indirectly. However, despite the proven benefits of caloric restriction, it is a difficult technique to use successfully in humans, as it is challenging to apply the treatment long-term, requiring a high level of determination and self-control. This paradox led to the discovery of compounds that mimic the outcome of caloric restriction on health and life expectancy without actual restriction in caloric intake. These compounds were called "calorie restriction mimetics" (CRMs).

Writing rational aging recommendations is my mission and explains why I seek out a doctor/nurse on my team to argue effects as devil's advocate for my research. Beyond the three here and metformin even without TAME (4th), I expect TRIIM-X to end up as 5, low dose rapamycin as 6, and much more as E5 is not public yet. The most stupid idea is to compose the best of each or try them all sequentially, individually, like 5 Pandavas or 6 wives.

The three theories, determined by me to be independent, thus composable, are NAD+ boost by NMN and NO from resveratrol according to Dr. Sinclair (and argnin by itself); Senolysis through fisetin according to Dr. de Grey; and CaAKG (+ayurveda +vitamins) according to Dr. Kennedy. The FDA essentially oversees the safety and efficacy of chemicals—healthy for drugs but useless for drugs and me—critical chemicals like new aging-related chemicals. Just for these, I make referrals differently, out of ethics, not law.

My main improvement is to sidestep questions about bioavailability and drug delivery by using liposome forms of all chemicals (except NAD+ for BBB entry). Liposomes eliminate necessary medical services and work even better than injections because they bypass cells.

Safety is assumed due to the safety of low concentrations of

1 Element of many fruits and vegetables with no known credible hazards

2 At least 20-30 years of safe history as a drug or supplement

3 GRAS status in US law

4 Chemical name of a body compound or intermediate

Therefore, NMN is derived from n. 4, Fisetin from no. No. 1, CaAKG from no. #4, arginine and resveratrol from #4. ° 2. This is the personal safety and not the safety of the community, the only one for which such arguments can be made. For random communities, I recommend waiting for the FDA, unless the risk of inaction is greater than compensation aging. position

The effectiveness stems from the fact that I consider these three developers to be like double Noble award winners defending this thread. Joint efficacy occurs from the apparent independence of the threads, NAD+ increases are needed and decrease empirically. De Grey's thread arises from the elimination of harmful senescent cells that produce SASP and CD38 in particular, buying immunity against cancer as a secondary benefit. The AKG thread is not clear, it may work due to the effective accounting of methylation marks, which prolongs cell life. Security does not end here.

There are unknown dangers from the size of the dose and interactions with other parts of these threads, and completely different medications prescribed for other diseases that coincide with aging. These are precisely circumstances in which the patient is alone anyway! Common sense says that if chemicals are safe in low doses and edible, they are likely to be safe in higher doses unless they are unnatural or registered.

I'm a big believer in Bayesian statistics and therefore suspicious of FDA clinical trials on new chemicals with no history of use. Most drugs approved after 2000 are cancer suspects! I think a doctor or a vaccine solves a problem by creating more instances and thus best avoided unless really necessary and a healthy disrespect to new chemicals but not food.

With my thought, a particular burden was lifted after 2 months of self-assessment. I can now advise the family to try if you are as bothered with chronic illness as I am, as long as the risks are higher anyway. My work and registered risks have not collapsed until now. People who don't see death hanging there anyway, or a decrepit life, should expect the blessings of the FDA.

What is chemical aging?

The immense contribution is from Sinclar. Simple and useless except for validation of de-aging methods. Every human cell has its DNA in a sac called a nucleolus. It specializes in the exact type of cell through an epigenetic covering of DNA by turning genes on and off using switches containing methyl groups. Some switches are permanently on or off depending on the expressed specialization. Others can be dynamically turned on or off depending on the protein being made.

 Genetics and epigenetics make DNA an information-carrying molecule that can deliver some proteins through mRNA copying. Over time, methyl groups lose their elasticity, and a cell has more methyl groups that can no longer turn on and off. Methyls are part of the CpG islands, the C sugar being a phosphate bond with the next G sugar, a microscope can read the number of such methyl groups. The AI ​​can read the list to calculate the biological age of the cell! Validation stems from the age equality of cells in all parts of the human body and the predictable changes in all animals in Eutheria. Not only does evolution age all animals by the same method, but the different details of aging are also species-specific. No fraud can non-fraudulent claim this and escape scrutiny!

Events in 2022

The most important to me, listed in Radom order, are

a. end of my clinical self-experiment

B. near the end of the partial self-experiment of the mother and sister

C. expected end of TRIIM-X and my start of HGH-1 with diabetes fix

D. end of MIB-626, thus better boost of NAD+ and NO.

me. The success of the Sinclair aging test for mDNA and GrimAge

The whole field of Aging

1. Dr. de Grey, for presenting/developing an engineering approach to the problem of aging and senolytics

2. Dr. Sinclair, for NMN and Theory of Aging 2019

3. Dr. Yamanaka for inventing the Yamanaka factors and iPSC.

4. Dr. Horvath for mDNA/GrimAge and the applicability of methylation in Eutherian

5. Drs. Conboys for early heterochronic parabiosis and not young blood but simple albumin works

6. Dr. Fahi for TRIIM and TRIIM-X

The number of endorsed supplements for aging increases every day. A stupid way is to try a random permutation subset of the supplements, hoping there is no interaction. This is done by many in India, treating illnesses and cures as if they were buying a product, usually with independent effects. I have contempt for these consumers and call them stupid meta-assholes, not just once but repeatedly. Two cures or drugs can be combined only if the prescriber is a single registered doctor or the interactions are accurately analyzed and the person performs a self-imposed clinical test, it is essential that the fssai/2012 know this! Unfortunately, there is no credible data like that, side effect website indications are unreliable, and if written guarantees are sought, most doctors are smart enough to use legal language that can include all side effects. known/unknown side effects so extensive that any rational patient would never try that drug or supplement! Between lawyers and doctors, the patient is screwed!

Another stupidity is the sequential attempts of the doctors until an applicable one is found. It works enough to keep the method alive, but the crossover effects are deadly. I believe in the doctors above, that is, in the effectiveness of the recommendations. But how to compose, including deciding who to compose and what to do with normal illnesses.

I am probably jumping the lake - that my age fix works, will work when ready, and I live to then. Seems to be working, now 12 months in 18, stranger guess my age 15-20 year lesser, DNAm test n may, 23. Likely your age matters not, and I will need a beautiful person like you to chase, your country prices I can afford, and local help you can be my agent for.

update: I am probably jumping the lake - that my age fix works, will work when ready, and I live to then. Seems to be working, now 12 months in 18, stranger guess my age 15-20 year lesser, DNAm test in may, 23. Likely your age matters not, and I will need a beautiful person like you to chase, your country prices I can afford, and local help you can be my agent for.