Friday, December 21, 2018

NMN epistemology and appplications

In this context means "who to believe". I have followed Dr. Sinclair into FDA yet-untested NMN (3 tests, 2 in USA, one in japan due 2020 or more) uniquely qualified to achieve this and persuade because he has successfully tried on mice, has fed himself and parents for 12 years, looks 20 year younger, can convince me he does not need money directly or as a front (is billionaire from invention of reservertrol, ALL age-sellers = used car salesmen!), chosen by NASA for health of Mars astronauts, tenured faculty in Harvard medicine. Only lack of manipulation angle means him and not elesium/chromadex NR. All sellers are safely considered greedy with onus of sincerity proof on them!

Given any human of even moderate intelligence, amortality (different from immortality, healthy long life span) is a natural wish, every subhuman knows it, knows how to get it, or knows teacher who can. Any scientific thinker (not a subhuman believer) must be able to derive and only derive every aspect of whatsoever considered science (All required). This constrains epistemology - every derivation is a hypothesis, derived by hunans who could be wrong. The hypothesis must rationally derive the results. Thus ONLY expect able scientists are rational skeptics. Given the paucity of developments from the first principles, a scientist must provisionally accept certain facts, has an epistemological theory of who to believe when, and forms a rational stoic. Provisional acceptance of "blood sugars by Reddy organisation" is done by me to avoid the costs of the Max hospital, but not many others. This is rational stoic decision even absent my test. It may be different for others, in some cases just as good as mine, often less rational, but always other person choice. I retain the right to argue - an agree to disagree never implies error, only pointlessness of further argumentation!

It is particularly true for NMN. Rather than NMN, let us talk of X and my belief in it. I assume that some one else praises a Y. Why is my X superior to Y!?

Unless Y is accepted in a scientific way as rational skeptic, Y is bad! At once! All religious or most atheist products fail as no scientist have bothered yet. There are still conflicts betteen elisium products, possible claims like mitoq etc. So no blanket rejection helps there! It is no different than rational sketicism applied to products, Why is one better?
Anecdotal proof against aging exisr! Not enough by itself! Cap[italist monsters from america can buy endorsements!

The endorsement must be from applicable master scientists. Reduces field to NMN, NR, elisium, mitoq etc. All these are endorsed by master-scientists.

Things like mitoq etc do not claim general fight against aging, only effectiveness against specific patholgy.

So fight remains between NR combinations, NMN, NAD+ and NADH. All are steps in conversion of niacin (natural vitamin B3 to NAD+  which all cells can use in energy Krebs cycle and thus alleviate aging symptoms. NAD+ amount continuously declines with age.

You benefit from all. However bio availability in various cells varies a lot. NAD+ directly does not enter cells. Neither does NMN! NMN has another problem - it does not easily cross blood-brain interface by itself. Niacin causes unpleasant flushing! The effects vary with form. NR and NMN cost a lot, as does NAD+ and NADH but B3 - flushing niacin or  non-flushing nicotinamide form) is very cheap but glacial slow.

One way to consider situation if bio-availability depends of distance from NAD+ (which is needed). NAD+ is 0, NADH is 1/2 away. nmn is 1 away. NR is 2 away.Niacin is 3 away. No one but NR enters a cell - NMN< NAD+ and NADH must become NR to enter and must revert back to what they were. Depends on cell i.e. afflction to decide which one!

Neat solution for normal humans is some NMN and some NAD+. Latter to help Alzheimer's, essential tremors and Parkinson; all affliction of brain. How to take them? Sublingual, NAD+ at morn and post dimmer presleep, while 5 does of NMN per day. do it 4-5 days per week.

All tests are on mice now. 3 big human studies have started, safe MD data by 2020 or 2021. Freezes looks at start - bad idea to wait unless proof - there is no -ve effect (NMN,NAD+) very inactive. Just prevent liver step by sublingual!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Home automation

A fun deep idea for cheap automation USING WIRELESS control.  Any switchable thing.A fun deep idea for cheap automation USING WIRELESS control. Any switchable thing.

Monday, December 3, 2018

optional-Wish-death - arya-religion

latest link

An optional-wish death is NOT a death wish but the opposite - die only when wish dead i.e by suicide in billion or trillion years!

I have never explained the genesis of anti-aging and superiority of science in anti-aging. Reason of wide-spread apathy is simple, bio-types find it too elementary, other science types find it impossible jargon-laden and revert back to naivety. There is one simple key – there is only one known way of increasing age over all kinds of organisms and humans – calorie-restriction, too hard and dangerous by itself! All effortssimulate benefits of restriction at molecular level.

Every emotional thing in humans happen chemically. All life is cellular. It follows that given all organism age, aging is chemically in cell reactions. What is common to all life? Consumption of oxygen in ATP-ADP sub-cycle to CO2 in Krebs cycle. NAD+ is a required co enzyme in it. Its concentration decreases proportionally with aging. Kids have lot of it, also energy. Drops to about half at 60 and decreases exponentially with age. The model of aging I have it that aging progressively causes error in DNA, expressed in lack of NAD+. Note that DNA is in nucleus while Krebs cycle happens in a mitochondria. Bio-availability concerns define a doctor over a bio-chemist.

If Aging happened so, lifespan will be in months. Fortunately, cells are replaced regularly, old cells garbage-collected through apoptosis. So to fix aging, two things are needed, fix NAD+ or cell genesis. First I have talked in detail. Second is by transfection. That is the only fix for trees (also cellular) which live for thousands of years.

So my recipe of wish-death – NAD+ fix for 150 year, thousands of years by transfection and consciousness-upload in 1000 years. ALL religions are stupid and best solution is wait for believers to die naturally. That is how idea-evolution happens anyway!

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It serves both as a critical coenzyme for enzymes that fuel reduction-oxidation reactions, carrying electrons from one reaction to another, and as a cosubstrate for other enzymes such as the sirtuins and poly(adenosine diphosphate–ribose) polymerases. Cellular NAD+ concentrations change during aging, and modulation of NAD+ usage or production can prolong both health span and life span. Here we review factors that regulate NAD+ and discuss how supplementation with NAD+ precursors may represent a new therapeutic opportunity for aging and its associated disorders, particularly neurodegenerative diseases.

One can imagine many long term problems not addressed yet or even imagined. Cure will be found for all within my life-time. Belief in this is religion, only one I have, other than cultural habits which may lead to early unwished death!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Creation of old-age amelioration facility

No one has escaped the ravages of old age. Death is universal, but long suffering before it comes is not! Stupid way (except perhaps ok with great suffering no-help cancer, etc) is suicide. I sought a way to stretch my youth to death with proven lifespan at least normal but expected longer! In short, extension of youth at this point requires reversion of age related effects no longer held back by supplements. My definition of extended youth includes extension of sex drive and fulfillment to say age 90 or 100, One must have clear avoidance of arthritis, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and Parkinson – 3 destroyers in old age after victory over heart disease, cancer, stroke etc. Not excluded are ethical exchange of blood with younger givers.

After 20 years of research, it is and incomplete but definite first cut is here! Other people think like me, have even early advantage over me, but will not be able to survive my competition using medical tourism to India! Most of my adversaries fail to realize the new India, its competency and strict discipline I am capable of.

There is one very special distinction of my investors that make it very different from all other investments – the investor has no escape from old-age! The best investors are patients. Roughly double the cost will be my charges. If you like my setup, you become small investor. If not, you get hals your money back, no questions! I expect 10-20% of patients to become investors!
I use my rentals in Greater Noida to get started. Initial investor enthusiasm determines the speed of ECP and HOT components. Some initial investors only invest their time. That is how medical and management will be structured.

I will start out by on-drip NMN, NAD+ and NADH. Price will be $13000 minus india benefit. Covered will be free economy premium! The drips will be operated by professional competent medical staff, present the full time! I pay for it and ambience for 10 days of full day drip. Perhaps you can determine a fit and become an investor of time! No money investment is needed at start – I provide the real-estate, maintenance, drips and staff salaries! The consumables (NMN etc) are included. Even if I fail, I will consider it a very expensive way against age as I and my family will be users like all.

Let us assume I fail. Kind of brusque person I am, not the best teacher but good professor, I am ready to fail! I keep my real estate, I waste on drip instruments and 3 month salary. Around 10 lakh. Bearable!

A 28 day drip-adventure in Texas will cost me $30000 i.e. @20 lakh rupee, stay separate – I believe in self research any way! Fuck the non-scholarly critics unless an MD medical doctor!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Capturing entire Agnostic evolutionary history of the universe

I find every known religious cosmogony model to be laughable stupid!

There are some very clever agnostic models of the universe. All such models are silent about the values of free variables needed and source of physical laws. That is what this essay is about.

The fact that a bounce free model (like Hawking’s) willalways have variable value problem and unaccounted for physical laws is self-evident. There is a strong anthropomorphic principle needed, the universe selected must allow observer as us to exist and hence the selection bias is one tuned to our existence from all models. Intelligent life may exist in other models. Every consistent model defines a possible in the multiverse, but uninteresting since we have no access to such universes! I do strongly believe in filtering anthropomorphic principle but no use for argument!

The values are those from the previous contraction of the universe and one must demonstrate the values as possible from contraction. It looks like electron charge, value of edge or radius of smallest cell (planck length), gravitation constant and fine structure constant will have to be explained by the contraction of the previous universe. Contraction must also explain the space density at which the bounce occurs.
The laws cannot be such that they preclude our existence. That means all inconstant law sets. A law set consistent with intelligent life may be lead to inaccessible universe but cannot be ruled out.

Interestingly, quantum mechanics is essential because without it, random spontaneous events are not possible, which can eventually lead to intelligent life. It was slowly spontean0usly created and was retained in the chain leading to us. Other laws have to derived from first principles from the previous contraction. QM is essential to intelligent life created solely by evolution.

Closest to my cosmogony is loop gravity, except that I do not think that the bounce happened once but infinite times till our universe which finally seems to be ever expanding and ever-safe.

The reason for contraction of all previous editions is the quantum mechanical increment to the dark energy of subsequent editions. It is not required but lovingly useful that our universe edition will expand forever, even if accelerating.
There are no limitations (even probabilistic) requiring A FINITE UPPER LIMIT BASED ON ANTIFRAGILITY! In other words, immortality is logically possible – individual and support groups.

Eventual immortality requires upload, likely only in thousand years. Transfection will give you the thousand years, due in fifty years. NMN+K2 will likely give me those fifty years.
 There is no harm in trying since each step leaves me healthier body till probabilistic dangers of death. Its only this that fills me with agnostic faith, I live in spite of the universe and need no paid support. I am not a guru, professorship was long ago, I thrive despite unfavorable death level events as TBI, heart-pain and food-poisoning. Like ancient stoics, these leave me stronger!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Tech fi ready to be born

Tech fi ready to be born

First get inspired, I feel sorry for self not anticipating-


MIT engineers fly first-ever plane with no moving parts | MIT News

Now aahindi/aaquantum insight. What is described if a propulsion system without moving parts. – unmove engine Airplane just one use – wheeled are not excluded. So how about  nomove engine and attach it for unmoveing train, truck, tank etc?

Long youth century 21

 Texas businessman with a family history of dementia recently announced he would award $4 million in prize money to researchers who search through published scientific studies and knit the findings together into a unified explanation of how Alzheimer’s works.

No millionaire or prize is needed for motivation since age-sickness will strike me – it is not familial chances.

 WebMD Feature

Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on August 22, 2018 [all except text in [] ]

[ WebMD pronouncements, good or bad are as good as conventional medicine doctors average, which is very good for lay persons, both as what to do and judge anything different as perturbations based on referenced arguments.

After several years of hard skeptical but rational research, I am ready to summarize my learning, as I do here. The goal, as Dr. Sinclair puts it, it is not people living longer, but extending their youth. Even if later empirical tests prove a lack of age increase, unlikely but possible, the reader and implementer gains enormously from the quality of life!

The solution is some cocktail of vitamin B3 forms and supplements metformin, MK7+D3+Ca, and CoQ10 (direct or mitochondria entering). The forms of B3 are niacin (flushes) or nicotinamide (non-flush niacin), NR (2 steps to NAD+), NMN(1 step to NAD+), NAD+ or NADH (REDUCED NAD+).

Why a cocktail?

The forms vary enormously on costs, bioavailability and cells improved! The goal is NAD+in each case as an essential part of Kreb cycle in every cell. All forms of B3, or any other aging intervention must target NAD+! There is age-long diminish of NAD+, it is a reliable measure of bio-age, even better than telomeres!


Me: It is the essential difference between a doctor and biochemist. Just because a chemical is found in a particular plant means nothing and is the principal difference between nutritionist and a subhuman passing as capitalist sellor, advisor, company, doctor, biochemist etc. In each case, the subhuman will be incapable of referencing the right material or reference bad or controversial matter. One who does is a scholar. One who does not is a subhuman! In argument, one or both scholars may differ and be wrong, a subhuman is always criminal, whether right or wrong. It is possible to detect subhumans without deep knowledge of any subject and I suggest they should be treated as criminals.

Bioavailabity is to get the chemical in usable shape at the right place. In current case, the chemical may have transportation losses, aging losses, blood entry losses in stomach, blood-brain barrier interface losses, cell-wall penetration losses and losses from entry into mitochondria. Reserveratrol is excellent example, you get it in red grapes which has to eaten by tonnes or hundred of gallons as red wine. Glutathione is another skin lightening anti-oxidant, very poor bioavailability unless given as drip! NMN is another, easy bioavailability for mice (in drink) but very poor in humans. They must either take it in drip or sublingually.

Sublingual is possible in some cases, like NMN, when the molecule is small, it is like IV direct. Another matter is easy intra-muscular (like insulin injections) or intravenous (requires training)

Niacin/nicotinamide do not significantly become NAD+, but crosses into brain and helps Parkinson/Alzheimer patients. Only NR crosses into cells but NAD+ and NMN spontaneously become NR! NADH crosses to brain, as does NAD+.

There is a war between believers in NR, NMN, NAD+ and NADH. It is empirically known that they effect different cells differently. Which is why I think of a cocktail depending on who to help.

No matter what form, IV route is best. USA costs are $1000 per day i.e. $13,000 (10 day) to $30,000 (28 day) per treatment Me: Ideal for Indian medical tourism! I start with drip (B3 cocktails), ECP and HOT. It is $1500 in premium coach for USA-India back and forth. Great use of my real estate assets and cost  or quality uncompetable medical tourism. International airport near Greater Noida will be ready by 2022! I can also pay for eScooter fare to IG airport at palam.

Beyond that, there is sublingual glutathione, self-injectable nmn etc as product ideas.

How Vitamins Can Help
Older adults have different needs when it comes to vitamins and minerals. For example, the right amount of calcium can help fend off osteoporosis in women. Vitamin D, which helps your body take in and use calcium, also helps prevent bone loss and broken bones in older adults.
It’s sometimes hard to know exactly what you need. But if you have a balanced diet, you’re probably doing OK. If you’re still concerned, Robin Foroutan, a nutritionist from New York, suggests you ask your doctor if supplements might help.
Before you head to the store, though, it’s important to know the term “supplements” includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also herbs and other botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, and other things. Some are so-called specialty products like probiotics or fish oils.
Before you take anything, talk with your doctor and read labels.
What Might I Need?
You can find these in foods or on the supplement aisle:
Calcium. “There really should be no reason that people should be calcium deficient,” says Angel Planells, a dietitian from Seattle. Known for the role it plays in making your bones stronger, calcium is found in dairy products like milk and yogurt. Women -- especially those who are likely to have osteoporosis -- may think about taking calcium supplements. But talk to your doctor first.

Vitamin D. This nutrient, made by the body from sunshine, helps you take in calcium and phosphorus, so it’s key for healthy bones and teeth. Older adults don’t make it as well, so supplements can help make you less likely to have bone loss and broken bones.
Most Indians and westerns elders develop Osteoporosis, even if adequately supplied with calcium and D3. Japanese much less for their diet has natto (soybean -> k2). Like K1 a quinone, but not heart enemy like K1. Probiotics in human gut do convert some k1 to k2 in some cases (K1 essential for blood clotting, why heart enemy). Available as MK-4 (only japan allows) or MK-7 (empirically better than MK-4. Ideally supplement with k2, if calcium and d3).

Fascinating was hospital dietician (after food poisoning admit) who was not clear on vitamin k2 last month! Try in your place!
My theory is k2 by supplements essential menaquinone like MK7, PREVENT wrong deposit of Calcium in blood-vessels where they cause arthritis, kidney stones etc! MK7+D3+Ca essential for strong bones to avoid the topmost Osteoporosis problem post age 90, essential before for comfortable aging. As my mother says, hell is on earth, with slip in bathroom and 3 month elevation of cast legs, confined to a bed!

Vitamin B12. This is important for keeping blood cells and nerve cells healthy. Aging affects how well you take in and use B12 from foods, so if you’re over 50, it’s probably best to get your B12 from supplements and B12-fortified foods like cereals, as well as foods that are rich in it, like meat, low-fat dairy, and fish.

[ Very cheap in India in Modicare, stupid if not used as supplement, anecdotal helps]

Folate. This helps prevent anemia. Spinach, beans, peas, oranges, fortified cereals, and enriched breads can have it.

B6. This helps your metabolism and immune system. You can get it in fortified cereals and soy products, as well as organ meats and whole grains.

Your body also needs these:
Vitamin C. Oranges, right? (And red and green bell peppers, along with other vegetables and fruits.) It may help protect you from cataracts, help wound healing, and possibly lower your odds of having certain kinds of cancer.

Magnesium. Among other things, it helps keep your blood pressure and blood sugar levels steady. It’s also good for your bones. You can get it in nuts, spinach, and dairy products, and it’s used to fortify some breakfast cereals. Experts aren’t sure how well it works as a supplement.
And here are some popular items you can find in the supplements aisle that you might talk with your doctor about:
Probiotics. Gut health is also very important for your immune system. Some studies show that probiotics -- living organisms like those found in yogurt -- help prevent some types of diarrhea and ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Coenzyme Q10. Also called coQ10, this is made naturally in your body and found in most body tissues. It may help your immune system work better.

Melatonin. A hormone released mostly at night, it’s believed to help you fall asleep. The science on it is promising.