Saturday, October 22, 2022

my experience 1

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No matter how much I congratulate myself, self-clinical experience is uncommon but is a traditional method in medicine for revolutionary doctors. What makes me very different is that I am not a doctor. The disease I attack is not even considered one, aging. Subhumans deny it will be ever defeated by medicine that works for all, religion haters, and all others involved in saintly pursuits as well as ungodly like me. A chemical that defeats an illness is how medicine is defined by me after the claim that aging is a disease, and that it afflicts all humans and most animals, does not grant it the status of a natural hands-off process. My cocktail of drugs enables me to live to singularity 1 on the path to immortality. Higher singularities will not require me to the extraordinary risk I undertook and will suffer every day until 2030, my estimate of singularity. I am quite ready to be defeated, but only fighting hard for the rest of my life, dead only by unknown unknowables.

I am not done yet, conceptually after a simple test works in my mind but solidified fully in May of 2023. My simple test is my look aged to 7 total strangers. Without any dispute, they claim 50-60! If I like your reply, I will send you a recent photo of me and why I feel 50, No one believes me when I claim 68. In April of 2023, I go to the USA and submit to a DNAm test. If 50-60 I  declare my method correct. I intend to hire MBBS doctors and form the first company with a DNAm test guarantee of age reduction of 1 year per year! Do it enough and be immortal, age-wise! You still die from contracted fatal diseases, accidents, or violence. But not from aging! The name itself has 1. The post-DNAm test will be 2.

Clear after my self-clinical test are these

0 Self-test is superior to clinical testing for aging medicine. Not being a doctor means no access to injections. I brilliantly (as per consequences) chose liposome everything.

1 My technique of finding dominators of hallmarks of aging is correct.

2 My claim is that the aging update chemicals are weird enough to not interact with food or medicine chemicals ingested, and seems to work for me.

3. My belief that each aging drug is indifferent to others also holds. This means that drugs for one form of aging add benefits. This is the case for eliding chemicals too. There seem to be no synergistic benefits.

4 Eliding some favorites of some doctors on grounds of some arguments on how they work and restricting chemicals that may interfere with one another seems to have worked, but may not work for others.

5  I was Covid Vaccinated 3 times and became normally sick many times. None of the medicines interfered with the aging cocktail. I was all set to stop the aging cocktail if I felt any difference. I did not. It included a penis infection from a diabetes drug.

6 While my cocktail works for me, it may not for other doctors and or patients.

The failure of the cocktail for my heart troubles, diabetes, osteoarthritis,  residual brain problems, and self-examination seems to suggest four insignificant co-benefits of the cocktail. It means that the right theory of aging is medicines from four camps - topdown stem cells when E5 matures, bottom-up fix DNA/mitochondria when Dr. Sinclar 626 matures. Yamanaka factor drugs, restore immunity by growth hormone and simultaneous control of diabetes caused and fix telomere using proper HBOT dosing. Each seems to be independent of the others. Besides these, garbage collection on apoptosis ignoring dead/malignant cells using spermidine, fisetin and other similar chemicals are useful.

Thus ideal cocktail will boost AMPk and Sirutins, reduce mTOR, and boost igf-1 thus reducing mTOR proportionately, working on prolonging stem cell life and making them usable through, an HBOT-based telomere extension. Several doctors worked on small pieces and incorrectly implied that theirs the only way to understand aging. My aging theory is mine, similar to extended hyperfunction theory, and believes that there are several kinds of aging processes at once, death happens from the fastest process, and evil chemicals are healthy ones of adult life, dangerous in old age. No amount of selecting young blood will deliver magic proteins. Simple blood dilution will work.

This is only one step to immortality. Noteworthy is the conquest of most fatal cancers (kills all age-less animals), win starting through the reintroduction of lab-programmed cells, and violence through brain-upload (also ageless travel to stars).

Consequences of self-determination of the path to immortality

 What happens when one believes like me that a scientific path to immortality is possible, and the first step is taken. Let's decode this. Scientific implies only experimentally verified truths are admitted. It goes perfectly with my belief that only scientific conservatism makes welt sense. Conservatism implies true respect for the past and experience unless science demonstrates an error in belief and disruption is felt. That is enough to dismiss racism, sexism (most), ageism, and other irrelevant beliefs. Vegan or vegetarian beliefs result from self-health and not religious or cultural reasons. In fact, Inuit are welcome to their lifestyle. A scientist has the right to tell them a change is needed for health reasons, and they are welcome to ignore it.

Death is an unpleasant event in most lives. The standard response in most cases is ignoration, religionism, or legacy work. In my case, apart from the analysis of modes of failure and intelligent removal of threats, a strong consequence is to repay the debts I feel to my motherland India and my fatherland USA. Ignoration is fine. I will launch a startup in May 2023. I believe that my varying cocktail will work for most people and I will be able to offer legal insurance that 1 year of my care will reduce the customer DNAm age over 1 year. I believe that strongly since I think my gain is over 10 years, the promise of 1 year will be sound. There are few onerous requirements.

Given true retirement and no rush of time-dependent objectives, I intend to spend time advancing my convergence philosophy in which biological humans will converge in a brain-meld with cyborg parts that already advance their senses. What can be a scientific theory for such beings? Can my scientific conservatism evolve into it?

What is disruption? It is the same as a revolution but applicable to economics, knowledge, etc. It is the opposite of evolution. Evolution itself is a sequence of possible disruptions over time. Very few evolutions are disruption-free changes over a long time.

The main result for me is time to address the main difficulty in my life, TBI.

How to use the bounty

I have started to be a lot more cautious and greatly increased stoicism -  the shit-talkers simply paint themselves with shit and can't offend me unless I am solidly protected and then I just derisively smile!  The only time it matters is when the speech is directed to someone I care about and then I address the other audience.

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