Thursday, October 4, 2018

NMN week1

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1.   Week1 later (from start), NMN is already GREAT for diabetes! I wanted to establish a baseline of blood-work and too slow in the first week! NMN HAS been recommended as diabetes medicine by a US doctor! He considers age improvements like metformin. So I am doing 3 right things -= Stevia, metformin and NMN! Even if Parkinson forces me to be bed-ridden, I can medicate by supplements for the day when stem cell fix are less research and more medical practice.

2.      Reporting baseline numbers
1       HJgA1C – 6.5 worsening de o mango season
2             LDL 47 HDL 40 VLDL 24 TC 71
3       CRP .75

Bad but not terrible. Goals are
1                 HgA1C 5.6
2                 TC 50 HDL 50
3                 CRP 0.50

TNF is Rs. 4000/ I6F has not been even price asked. For that kind of money, doc consultation needed. Will happen in week 2

4.      Notice that I fight hard about insulin and sulfonylurea (kick the pancreas) drugs as empirically bad, they reduce life, FUCK the ancient or current opinion re safety of insulin of medical schools that taught the current doctors! You can fix Sugar concentrations two ways (Very important to control) – improve its utilization and block its entry! Bad ones are all improved utilization. Block entry is metformin works on liver, acarbose on absorption from stomach, both ok. I think doctors think “insulin is good because is needed by young adults and is bad in 50+ age” is bad opinion against what is taught and practice. Unaware of newly collected data in last 20 years! “Metformin to 3000 mg and acarbose since” That’s my advice if NMN is NOT available, my loud advice and empirical shastrarth with doctors!