Sunday, August 18, 2019

Super thesis

Every thing has changed ever since I discovered the magic way to change the paradigm of science itself! Remember that a paradigm shift makes the current greats irrelevant in the new world, with a disruptive change. Absent humour, what I say means irrelevance of current greats and new better science, called the 21st century science! What is different is the math - calculus is replaced by stochastic calculus - ito and stratonovich calculus. Apart from science, so will change economics and social science. Already it shows up in Finance as Black–Scholes model. Fundamental is time and stochastic integration. Surprisingly, normal quantum mechanics and economics are time free. Relativity is time based. The failure of unifying GR with QM in last 100 years, despite efforts of all the Nobel laureates including Einstein is due to time difference - time is not fundamental but a synthetic emergent concept without physical reality. Statistical time is from 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Gravity has gone through these paradigms - empirical (none). attraction of center of masses (newton), curvature of space (Einstein), thermodynamic (Verlinde).

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Conservative consolidation – I motivation

Why care - What is new in century 21

Movie from a from a single photo – tea with Mona Lisa

Historical argument

Really no different than past!

American madness

Any expenses by congress with a fiat currency means nothing!

HAPPY Birthday 2019

Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day…Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Aaquantum-Aging trick


As name implies, following is my thoughts, presented in hope of being useful and attracting criticism. All scholarly aaquantum-theories begin by epistemology i.e. who to believe and why. Masters abstracted are always subject to internal criticism and adding other statements may in fact cast doubts!

The masters I follow are Harvardian Dr. Sinclair and Ancient wizard Dr. Aubrey de Grey. Sinclair made enough money from red grape elements (likely no-greed), discovered aging in yeast and in rats (sirutins) and now selected by NASA for medical work on mars astronauts. Both use their thoughts on self and family. Grey was dept. head in oxford pre-retirement, has talked 20 years on aging, heads sens. He considers death as an unnecessary event. First is bio-chemist, second CS, likely not-slave to backward teaching.

Both have zero interest in extending age, only healthy part of life. Even if fail in extending life, following their prescription will at least extend healthy life. I will report on experiences too. Aging challenges science itself because one cannot wait for third party reports in a very dynamic area.

There is absolute distrust in me for the statement “I don’t know” from a doctor.  It is followed by internet search to view claimants and their belief systems. Fully discounted is glacial US legal system which still lives in  pregnant mothers safety! Very trustworthy are UK Cochrane reports and japan equivalent to fda.

Here is my experiences. Vitamin K2 is not even known to USA FDA. In MK-4 form, it is allowed in Japan. MK-7 is the better version! So I take K2/MK-7+_D3+Calcium+Mg for bone strength. Osteopenia and osteoporosis is common in developed and underdeveloped. In both elderly suffer kidney stones and arthritis. For bone strength people eat calcium and d3. But not K2! Can’t get enough K2 from diet unless you like rotting soybean! Lucky have K2-generating bacteria in stomach that make it from K1. Others miss k2! Why need it? To deposit calcium in bones! Deposit in arteries and veins is arthritis. In kidney are stones, even gall bladder. Right story – checked through doctors. But wrong to expect them to generate narrative, know re K2 etc..

At last my mother got sick with aggravated heart-like symptoms – doctor prescribed medicines basically K2, D3 and Ca with Mg. Six time more expensive, short duration, will happen again. I think escaped. Incidentally my teeth pain/cost has shrunk. Its all k2 magic!

I think two magics make wait for top doctor-advised regime later. One is energy add through nmn/nad+ but must be some right. Stupid to- eat nmn except sublingual, escape worry about side-effects or miss crossing brain-blood interface!

Other is the amazing power of garbage collecting senescent cells that manage to dodge apoptosis! It is essential to benefit from reduced count for organ-rejection, cancers and aging. Rapamycin and friends, but dangerous as depress immune system! Very complex supplement dosage!