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When it comes to planets outside our solar system, astronomers realize they only know the properties of the planets they discover as well as they know the properties of the stars these planets orbit:http://go.nasa.gov/2cS9xWY

A planet, in a habitable zone, in the nearest star to earth, namely Proxima Centauri has been discovered bare 25 trillion miles away. The star is about 4 light-years away. Journey to it will require only 10-15 years in the 22-century ships. Hard but doable, within communication range of concrete achievement of my faster-than-light design of communicator, only gedankan today. In line with tradition, I call it Proxima Century b.
Hence I lay claim to its ownership, minerals, and sky wealth in the name of aaquantum-stoicism https://wordpress.com/post/arunkumararya.wordpress.com/333 or in
And wish the best to intrepid celestial space person who would make my dream come true.
Faster-than-light communication is possible using existing principles consistent with no-go theorems of quantum mechanics. This seeming impossibility is resolved by non-material information. No material object can go faster than light, Entanglement speeds are at least trillion feet per second, vastly greater than light. A famous no-go theorem says nothing material can signal at greater speeds than light since the spooky correlations can only make sense with respect to classically transmitted bits. So frustrated are the quantum physicist that says one, “The universe seems to like talking to itself faster than the speed of light,” said Physicist Steinberg. “I could understand a universe where nothing can go faster than light, but a universe where the internal workings operate faster than light, and yet we’re forbidden from ever making use of that at the macroscopic level — it’s very hard to understand.”
To that I say - information in material form - yes, but information as a computed result - may go faster than light! When recursive Zeno games are played by two Mach-Zehnder interferometers instantiated from an entangled pair of particles, the same answer is delivered in two places, even a galaxy apart! Information, not dependent on materials, may be exchanged as a result of games on entangled particles!
The idea is simple enough. Particles are entangled. They are manipulated at the sender end so that games instantiated by them yield the answer of the bit to be sent. The receiver side computes the answer using entangled partners. The Principal problem is in the decay of entanglement over time! Mach-Zehnder interferometers are useful in that they can convert information into delays.
Faster than light – A gedanken experiment
It is so simple that I prefer to publish it in the hope that someone will point out my mistake, for the claim is biggest ever, communication faster than light.
When games are played by two Mach-Zehnder interferometers instantiated from an entangled pair of particles, the same answer is delivered in two places, even a galaxy apart! Information, not dependent on materials, may be exchanged as a result of games on entangled particles! The no-go theorems are well-proved and cannot be replaced by sane sci fi. They have to be side-stepped by encoding information non-materially.
The idea is simple enough. Particles are entangled. They are manipulated at the sender end so that games instantiated by them yield the answer of the bit to be sent. The receiver side computes the answer using entangled partners. The Principal problem is in the decay of entanglement over time! Mach-Zehnder interferometers are useful in that they can convert information into delays and or phase differences.
Following is a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. Green is mirrors. Blue are half silvered mirrors.

Nothing reaches 2. Point is that i/2 light goes each way. The two paths to 2 suffer destructive interference while at 1 you get constructive interference. Now suppose you put s minute phase change before the first mirror. No interferences are complete and you can measure the phase properties by simple ratio of two intensities. Let us assume that phase 0 is 0, and 1 is 45 degree. AT sender, particles are introduced in bits order. One consequence is that right entangled particles are introduced by themselves at receiver end. The information is obtained from the ratio.